What are the most usual managerial concerns?
Managers who oversee teams commonly face several challenges related to productivity and communication. Additionally, Covid-19 causes that a large number of managers are struggling with the effective management of people working from home, with this translating into many workers feeling untrusted and micromanaged by their bosses.
Knowing how to recognize these challenges and address them helps increase a manager's confidence and ability to lead a team. Check what are the most usual managers concerns and how they can feel more successful in their managerial role.
Here are some of the most common challenges managers face and how to overcome them:
Employees may experience periods of time where they are not as productive as usual. A decrease in productivity can sometimes affect other team members and overall goals, making it important to help employees feel motivated.
Another challenge managers face when overseeing teams is ensuring effective communication. Because every team member has a different personality, there is a chance for miscommunication from time to time.
Sometimes, employees may lose focus on collaboration when they spend a lot of time completing individual tasks. To re-establish teamwork, managers should revisit the purpose of a project. Managers who take the time to acknowledge their team's efforts and clarify the purpose of their work commonly see increased levels of motivation.
Because managers are responsible for overseeing the members of their team and communicating with other department heads, they typically struggle with balancing their own tasks
All above mentioned concerns were accelerated with Covid-19 which has thrust many leaders into remote management which requires a different skill set than face-to-face management. They have been forced to make this transition quickly, and for the most part, without training. While some jobs have proven adaptable, many sectors are not well-suited for the remote environment and many workers have home lives that present overwhelming challenges. As a result, some managers may be finding their roles more difficult than before - and making their subordinates’ lives more stressful as they struggle to adapt.
Based on Harvard Business Review survey about 40% of the 215 supervisors and managers in our study expressed low self-confidence in their ability to manage workers remotely. A similar proportion of managers had negative views about remote workers’ performance. Thirty-eight percent of managers agreed that remote workers usually perform worse than those who work in an office, with 22% being unsure.
Altogether, the picture is not a rosy one, suggesting a substantial number of managers have low confidence in their capability to lead remotely, have rather negative views about this work practice, and distrust their own workers.
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